At least700 cases are set to be disposed of in the third phase of special sessions todispose of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) cases.
This wasrevealed during a meeting chaired by the Principal Judge, Hon. Justice DrFlavian Zeija, with officials from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)and the Justice, Law and Order Sector Secretariat.
TheUNFPA Country Representative, Mr. Alain Sibenaler commended the Judiciary andthe Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs for the interventionsundertaken to enhance access to justice for women and girls especially in SGBVcases.
Duringthe discussion on the implementation of the 2020 work plan, it was shared thatthe agency had approved Phase III SGBV Sessions. The Ag. Registrar High Court, HWMary Ikit, said the sessions would be conducted in the High Courts of Luwero,Moroto, Kapchorwa, Gulu, Arua, Jinja, Iganga, Bundibugyo, Kiryandongo andMubende. Similarly, the Chief Magistrates courts of Apac, Nakapiripirit, Tororoand Busia will hold dedicated SGBV Court sessions.
HW Ikitsaid to foster proper preparations and coordination, the Deputy Registrars andChief Magistrates of the participating courts have been urged to generate causelists of 50 cases each and share with key JLOS institutions such as Office ofthe Directorate of Public Prosecution and Uganda Prison Services.
Additionally,the meeting discussed the possibility of piloting at least six e-justice courtsessions on Gender Based Violence. This, it was noted, would be used as a basisto scale up to other High Court circuits in future.
MrSibenaler also briefed the PJ on "Delivering an Integrated Package of Rights inKaramoja & Northern Uganda", a two-year programme funded by the AustrianDevelopment Agency.
Themeeting which was attended by senior officials from the Justice, Law and OrderSecretariat, cited challenges such as lack of full absorption of budgets andlate commencement of implementation of programme activities which wasoccasioned by delayed work planning. The meeting agreed on different strategiesto address the challenges.
Posted 16th, July 2020